About us


After 10 years producing tracks as a hobby, Marcel Ranzijn began making plans for starting a record label in 2014. He read about online services of company’s, made a plan for future activities, contacted other producers and decided to try and get his tracks to a bigger audience.


Begin 2015, the name of the company, server, website were realized. After thinking what Tasty Soup Records would be standing for in the middle of all those producers/labels/dj’s/tracks, he had two main points:

– To produce tracks other than mainstream EDM. Music made with feeling instead of a standard style. And most important: offer these tracks to a bigger audience.

– Make a gateway for unknown, tasty track making producers. Producers that choose to create music as a passion or hobby, not to make a profit. A group of artists with the same intentions and could perhaps create a local fan base.

If you’re searching for music, more diverse styles then the typical. If you want to be surprised with tracks that take their own path, we welcome you to listen our tracks and check out our artists.

Enjoy yourself!



Marcel Ranzijn


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